Tuesday, August 30, 2011

First Day of Art 100

The first day of class we watched a lot of videos portraying different perspectives on the remix of Brat Pack movies into dance sequences. I love the way old movies and their idea of art and dance are related to by people of all ages all over the world. It shows that art really is universal.
The one video that really spoke to me was the Grand Rapids lip dub. I have family in Grand Rapids and it was beautiful to see an entire community come together in such an artistic way. I got goosebumps seeing the range of personalities and ages interacting in the video. I want to have one for Cypress college or just our art class even. Being involved in something like the American Pie video is an eternal bond and would be unforgettable for any of us.
I believe that remixes being considered violation of copyright laws is definitely extreme. While they are using the moves from a specific scene it means something different to everyone and is interpreted different by others. That is what I believe makes art so great. You should be able to recycle ideas from others and turn it into your own version as long as credit is due. Self expression is so important today and should remain as open as possible. Being able to express ourselves in these blogs for school is a great opportunity to grow closer and learn more, not only about each other but ourselves.

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