Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Beauty and Presenting

Last week in art 100 we started off the night discussing what the definition of beauty was. A lot of people had a lot of different definitions that all seemed to fit in different circumstances. We watched the dove beauty campaigns which I love. I think that now, more than ever, it is so difficult to be a female. The standards for beauty are unachievable. Young girls are fed so much different information about what you're "supposed" to look like. To me beauty in mass media changes as much as every year. What was beautiful in the 1920's was drastically different in the 50's, and now beauty has a completely different image. The horrible thing about beauty in media today is that technology is making it impossible to look like supermodels on billboards as one Dove video showed. To me beauty is something that speaks to you the second you see it. You have an immediate, natural reaction to it. To me beauty never fades and can't be altered. The most beautiful things to me are the most raw and honest things. People that are honest, kind, and open are the most beautiful. Others think that beauty is pleasing to the eye, which of course when something is beautiful it is going to be pleasing to you, however what makes something beautiful. One persons trash could be anothers treasure. Even in my own family we all have drastically different ideas of who's beautiful, what cities and animals are beautiful. I think what makes beauty so interesting because is that it cannot and will not ever be concretely defined. Abstract ideas are the best kind and leaves it open to let everyone be an individual. I also got to present Banksy last week. I was so so nervous, I absolutely have public speaking. I think over all it went really well though and I am happy about the way everything turned out although I wish I had a few sound bites or videos. Everyone else did a good job and I am excited for the rest of them tonight!

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