Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy November!

Last week in class we learned about literacy. We opened with the movie The Reader. It really opened my mind about how the image of her being literate meant so much to her. Living in such a free and educated culture, we tend to take the "simple" act of reading and writing for granted. I learned that there are 4 different kinds of literacy. Text, visual, networking, and educational literacy are actively used by all of us. We watched video of Gerbner who talked about the influence of visual literacy on our generation. Today everything is being replaced with images, sound, and technology. Hardly any reading or physically writing is necessary. Interaction and speaking verbally is rarely needed either. Literacy is something that we are all lucky to have and don't put it to use until we are asked to. Reading and writing is becoming more and more abbreviated everyday. Our minds are too full with media and images for them to be thirsty for novels, poems, or fantastical stories. The other night I decided to turn off all the noise and busy stuff that usually distracts my multi-tasking brain and read a bunch of poems by Shel Silverstein. I realized how absent imagination and wonder has been from my head. I used to read so much more and now feel inspired to get back in to it. It led me to drawing a wonderful picture that I will post! So great class! I feel recharged!

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